Blog post

How Well Do You Know Your Customers?

One of the many definitions of marketing is ‘the process of creating and delivering value through products or services, that match or go beyond the needs of your target customers’. So, the real question is – if marketing is the process of meeting your customer’s needs, then how well do you actually know your customers in order to meet their expectations? In this post, we explore why getting to know and understanding your customers is essential for growing your business.
Why getting to know your customers is important

Why getting to know your customers is important

Did you know that the failure rate for businesses is between 30-50%? One main reason for this is usually because business owners don’t understand their customers. Some businesses don’t even know who their customers are! Understanding your customers’ needs is vital for running a successful business as after all, they’re the ones providing the income! By understanding your customer’s needs and preferences you will be making sure that they don’t need to go elsewhere as you have exactly what they need! One key ingredient for successfully growing your business is getting to know your customers is acting on what you discover. This leads us to our next point, where will you find the answers?

Your customers have the answers

We know it sounds like a cliché however, your customers have the answers you’re looking for. Many businesses jump to conclusions when deciding what their customers want and need, often without any evidence. Ultimately, the person that knows the customer the best is the customer themselves! By listening to your customers, you can gain a wealth of knowledge without spending valued resources on research methods. Once you’ve acted upon your newly gained knowledge and you have adapted your offering to suit their specific needs, you gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Use customer personas

Customer personas are a great way to understand your customers and segment them into your different customer groups. A customer persona is a creative way that allows you to think like your customer. You can create multiple customer personas that match the different segments in your target audience. You can give them names, an age and a backstory! Don’t be afraid to get creative as the closer you get to your target customer, the more you’ll be able to think like them! For more information on customer personas, check out our blog here.

Understand and improve the customer journey

Understanding your customers and their personas will help you to understand your customer journey. A customer journey is all the touchpoints and experiences customers go through when interacting with your company. By getting to know your customer, you’ll discover information such as pain points and what drives them to make the purchase. This is extremely useful when growing your business as you can adapt your marketing messages to include points that either relieve pain points or target their purchasing drivers.

Benefits of getting to know your customers

There are multiple benefits created by understanding your customers and acting upon the information. Some examples include:

·      It can improve your retention rates due to making your customers feel valued and in turn creating customer loyalty.

·      You set yourself apart from the competition by gaining a competitive advantage.

·      You will generate more inbound leads through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Overall, getting to know your customers is one of the key drivers to success in your business. So, if you don’t have a process in place that encourages getting to know your customers, start creating one today! After all, all you need to do is listen to the consumer!

About us

We’re Freshbat – a strategic communications agency providing integrated marketing services to business leaders who embrace change and value marketing in a proactive and trustworthy environment.

Our goal is to give you more headspace, help you to make stuff happen and build better relationships by taking a fresh approach to marketing. We know you’re the kind of person who wants to be considered an inspiring and empowering leader for your business.

In order to be that way, you need to be in control of your marketing. The problem is you feel your marketing isn’t good enough, which in turn makes you feel confused and frustrated that you don’t have the resources, creativity or expertise to solve the issue.

We believe it’s just plain wrong that business leaders are tasked with keeping up with the rapidly changing marketing landscape on their own. That’s why we provide integrated marketing solutions through our worry-free marketing process.

Here’s how it works: we have an initial call to find out the things holding you back, we then create a bespoke strategy to reach your ideal clients and finally we implement your marketing plan for you so you can worry less and achieve more. We create tailored and integrated marketing solutions that bring order, strategy and results while having fun in the process (yes, it’s possible!).

Our core services include: 📈 Content marketing strategy 📱 Social media management 📧 Email marketing 👩‍💻 Blogging and web content

Contact us to see how we can help you take a fresh approach to marketing. Email to book your discovery call 📧


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