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Does your company’s culture support your marketing?

Quite often we hear about a company’s culture, but there are many different interpretations of what it means and this frequently blurs the lines of its relevance. We want to help make it clearer, so you understand exactly what it is and how you can use it to your advantage. This post explores how your company’s culture can especially impact and nourish your marketing.

What is a company’s culture?

To us, a company’s culture is all of the beliefs, values and basic assumptions that influence your employees and customers. It also can impact how things are done in your business. Company culture can be created and determined intentionally as well as unintentionally, which is why you should pay close attention to it. This is to ensure it has a positive impact on your business as a whole. There are different definitions of company culture which is why it is often pushed to the side and left unconsidered. But we believe it can make a huge difference to your business.

What does it impact?

Company culture impacts and influences almost all activities that are undertaken in a business, from decision-making and daily routines to the preferred structures and ways of communication. As culture is based on beliefs, values and basic assumptions it, therefore has a huge impact on your marketing.

How can a company’s culture nourish your marketing?

Your company culture can be used as a competitive advantage as it is distinct to you and it is almost impossible for your competitors to replicate. Therefore, you need to make sure that your culture is exactly what you want it to be. As we know, marketing is all about the two-way communication between you and your audience, and now more than ever your customers want to instantly know what you’re all about. We’ve all seen those posts on social media about a company’s values, but are those values upheld in the day-to-day operations of the company? This is where culture comes in.

Your company’s culture helps to ensure that everyone in your business, as well as yourself, conforms to what you want your business to be. If one of your values is honesty, then this needs to be part of your company’s culture. This goes for each value you want to be present in your business.

It’s also something to be proud of. If your business’ culture celebrates positive experiences and interactions with customers and employees, use your marketing to share this with your audience! Before you know it your company’s culture will be supporting your strategy and you’ll have positive content to share with your audiences.

Ways to enhance your company’s culture

  • Involve employees at all levels. Many great ideas come from all levels of a company’s hierarchy so be sure not to overlook any of them.
  • Be transparent. Everyone in the company needs to be in the same boat when it comes to achieving a business’ goals. Therefore, transparency is needed to ensure the culture is built in a respectful and inclusive way. You also need to be transparent with your customers. This is because your culture should be built upon providing a great product or service to your customers.  
  • Make your values known. Your culture is based on your values, so you need to make them heard! Make sure your values are in line with your wider strategies. This helps to ensure that your culture supports your business goals, and your business goals support your culture. 
  • Create ways of clear communication. This will allow you to create a purpose for your team. Don’t be afraid to be passionate, this can motivate your employees. Ensure your company’s culture supports ways to celebrate and promote teamwork.

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