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How can I get into a rhythm with marketing? 

How can I get into a rhythm with marketing?

Marketing rhythms are the strategic, recurring actions that support the success of your business and get you in front of your ideal audience. Often marketing is pushed aside as it is not seen as a priority, and it takes time and expertise to keep up consistency, which demonstrates the importance of getting into a rhythm with marketing.

However, getting started is the most important step a business can take, even though it can also be the hardest. Once you commit to consistently tending to your marketing rhythms you will develop brand awareness meaning you’ll be more visible to your ideal client, but you’ll also generate higher quality leads and attract the right clients. 

Benefits of getting into a rhythm with marketing

Getting into a rhythm with marketing is super important as it provides several benefits in the long run. For example, having a marketing structure aids a much smoother and more effective marketing process, decreasing overall stress.  

Another benefit of getting into a rhythm of posting regularly on social media is improved consistency. Being consistent brings advantages such as an increase in audience engagement, builds trust and credibility, improves SEO and builds brand awareness. As a result, improved consistency in content creation can help to drive growth and success for your business. 

But how can you get into a rhythm with your marketing? 

Understanding your capacity 

A great way of getting into a rhythm is by understanding your capacity. It’s important to understand your team’s size and what this looks like in terms of capacity and delegating tasks. In some cases, it might be only the business owner in charge of marketing, so it’s important to understand capacity and be conscious of which marketing activities can be carried out within your specific capacity. This may lead to your businesses looking to either outsource or employ a new marketing team member to carry out all your marketing activities.  

Once capacity is understood, you can then decide which marketing activities can be prioritised and this will help to drive your business forward and optimise marketing efforts. For more information on how to prioritise marketing activities, read our blog.

Create a monthly marketing structure 

Creating a monthly marketing structure is an important part of the planning process and once you’ve got your structure set up, it’ll make it quicker and easier for the next month.  

The structure could contain a social media content calendar, email marketing topics and blog planning. Pairing this with the understanding of capacity, you can then decide the velocity of the content (X number of posts per week). Having a structure that you can use each month will enable you to get into a rhythm with your marketing. For more information on how to make sure you never run out of content ideas, visit our blog.

Creating content in advance 

The next step of the process is to plan and create content in advance. Planning ahead with your marketing can help to remove any stress and provide you with more control and clarity.  

Marketing tasks should be assigned accordingly to team members so that there is accountability. Busy periods are often stressful for business owners so it’s important to use the quieter periods to plan ahead and create more content for the times team members are busier. Creating content in advance will also give you more time to review and make any required changes.  

Final thoughts 

Getting in a rhythm with marketing is super important for the success and growth of your business and it’s time for you to prioritise it. By following each of the above steps, you will be able to worry less and achieve more. 


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