Last week I identified some common marketing blocks that are holding many small business owners back from adopting a more positive marketing mindset.
This week I want to share some of the ways I help my clients (and myself!) to overcome these marketing blocks as and when they come up.
The thing I’ve found most helpful is various mantras and sayings that are short and to the point. They’re a great way to snap out of a marketing funk and to help you focus on the bigger picture rather than getting bogged down in marketing minutiae.
As a quick recap, here are the main marketing blocks I identified in my previous post:
- Not wanting to show your face
- Worrying that people will be bored/thinking your content is boring
- Imposter syndrome – thinking other people are doing better than you
- Undervaluing your knowledge/expertise
- Being afraid to be seen/fear of judgment
- Perfectionism
These are all very common blockers and they’re also all very valid! So if you any of these do resonate with you, don’t beat yourself up about it.
Whenever any of these come up when you’re trying to do any kind of marketing for your business, try reminding yourself of these three sayings to help you move past your blocks:
Done is better than perfect
I use this a lot! This addresses issues with perfectionism, which is a particular challenge for a lot of us. I know, you want everything to be perfect with your business. But the problem is that there’s no such thing as perfect… ‘perfect’ is subjective.
So remember, done is better than perfect. It’s better to spend 15 minutes doing something that’s OK and reaches your target audience than 5 hours on something that you can never get perfect and you never share because it’s not quite right. If you don’t put it out there, it doesn’t count as marketing!
Is it a problem, or is it a preference?
I coined this phrase when I was working as a Head of Marketing. I had such a huge volume of work and some perfectionist stakeholders which was a challenging combination! I ended up filtering out any changes that were requested using this saying: is it a problem, or is it a preference?
For example, if I had feedback that an email had an incorrect stat in it – that’s a problem. So I would absolutely spend time changing it and making sure it was correct. This is the kind of thing that can damage your brand.
However, if I had feedback that someone didn’t like the exact shade of a colour used in the header banner – that’s a preference. It’s subjective and as long as the colour was in the brand palette I wouldn’t bother changing this.
This can prove to be a really useful way to overcome marketing blocks and help you stop feeling overwhelmed when you’re trying to produce content.
It’s not about you; it’s about them
This is my favourite. It sounds a bit dry but it’s true. It doesn’t actually matter what YOU like – it matters what your audience likes. You’re not putting your marketing content out there for you, are you?!
Refocusing on your target audience is often the best way to overcome marketing blocks and keep you consistent and able to produce great, value-adding content regularly.
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