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How scheduling tools keep your content consistent

Have you ever found yourself wondering how brands are able to share so many posts on social media? Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore! Social media scheduling tools are a great way to plan and schedule your content in advance. We understand that ensuring your business’ social media platforms have a constant stream of content can be time consuming and frustrating. Therefore in this post, we explore the many ways scheduling tools can keep your content consistent so that you never miss a beat!


There are many benefits to planning your content ahead of time. The main one is so that your social media platforms can have a continuous stream of content going out. This helps your audience see that you’re consistent and active. However, you should be sure to check in with your social media platforms daily to reply to any engagement, as this cannot be done through scheduling tools. Scheduling content also helps to plan campaigns and events in advance, so you can relax knowing that everything is under control.


Scheduling tools allow you to choose a time for your social media posts to go out. This helps your posts to be more flexible as you can alter the times depending on the time your targeted audience is more active. One of our favourite scheduling tools, Loomly, provides suggestions on which time is most effective for each individual platform. We find this extremely helpful when building engagement as each platform is very different.


Many paid scheduling tools have analytics built-in. This helps you to understand what kind of posts are performing well, at what times and on which platforms. This is extremely useful information as due to your posts being scheduled ahead, you can edit them in advance based on the real-time insights. You can also edit your strategy accordingly based on the analytics. 


We know you hear it all of the time, but consistency really is key. Scheduling tools help you to keep your content consistent rather than just random posts that are created in the moment. You can be sure that you’re not being too repetitive and stay on top of all the messages you want to send out. It is also important to ensure that your business’ social media platforms have clear branding. A scheduling tool helps to keep your branding clear, as you will have a bird’s eye view of what is going out and you will know exactly what it will look like. 

Cross channel posting 

Have you ever viewed a business’ social media platforms and realised they don’t align? A scheduling tool such as Loomly can help to prevent this. Loomly allows you to cross channel post using a ‘Generic Content’ feature, which is pulled through onto each channel so you can edit each platform accordingly. This helps to ensure that your content is consistent across each of your business’ social media platforms, preventing any confusion from your audience. 

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