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4 simple steps to decide what marketing activities to prioritise

Marketing. It’s a very broad term with a multitude of different activities falling under its umbrella. The variety can make it challenging to identify which activities are better suited for your business and therefore which marketing activities to prioritise, as the optimal strategy can vary widely between different business. 

You may have been thinking, “Where do I even start?”

The absolute first thing you should prioritise before you even start thinking about what marketing activities you need to be doing, are your business goals and objectives. 

1. Clarify your business goals and objectives 

Be clear about the goals and objectives you want to achieve with your marketing or for the business overall. This may be, generating more leads or increasing brand awareness. Once you have clearly defined and wrote down your goals and objectives, this will be your stepping stone into deciding which marketing activities are going to help you achieve your goals. Having a set list of your goals/objectives is beneficial as you can refer to them constantly to make sure you are focused and in line with where you want to take your business. 

2. Use existing data as a guide

Data is an invaluable tool for shaping your marketing strategy. Analyse your data to understand what has been effective and what hasn’t. Use these insights to make informed decisions. Examine your metrics closely: What is performing well? What areas need improvement and greater focus? 

3. Truly understand your audience 

You can produce a billboard passing millions of eyes everyday but that doesn’t necessarily mean that will have contributed to a percentage of your sales if any. If you’re not focused on your audience, it’s back to the drawing board. Why invest in marketing activities that fail to resonate with or even reach your target audience? Consider your customer: Who are they? What are their preferences? Where do they frequent? Are they active on Instagram or TikTok, or do they avoid social media altogether? Identify where you can reach them and what content will capture their interest. Dedicate time to really understand the ins and outs of your customer.

4. Resources 

Ultimately, your resources will have a huge impact on your marketing activities. Do you have the resources in place to execute the marketing activities effectively? If not, it’s crucial to address this issue. There is no point in having a one foot in, one foot out approach with your marketing. You need to be able to execute it properly otherwise you’ll find you have wasted your efforts, time, money, and get little to no return on investment. 


Deciding what marketing activities to prioritise can be overwhelming but by being clear on your goals, and considering all the factors above, you can make informed decisions that will drive your business forward and optimise your marketing efforts. 

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