How does AI fit into my marketing strategy? 

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, ignoring artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on marketing is no longer an option. AI is reshaping how businesses understand, engage with, and serve their customers. To stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional customer experiences, integrating AI into your marketing strategy is not just a recommendation—it’s a…

Who is Managing Your Marketing Account?

Will the person who sold you your marketing strategy be working on your marketing account?  Maybe, maybe not.  In many industries, including marketing, it’s common practice for agencies to have dedicated sales teams whose primary job is to attract and secure new clients. These salespeople are often the face of the company during the initial…

What Questions Should a Marketing Strategy Answer? 

Creating an effective marketing strategy is crucial for any business aiming to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. A well-crafted strategy not only guides your marketing efforts but also ensures that every action taken aligns with your overall business goals. A comprehensive marketing strategy should answer several key questions. Let’s explore these essential questions and understand…

TikTok for B2B The Ultimate Guide

TikTok for B2B: The Ultimate Guide

Scared to Use TikTok for B2B? Here’s why you shouldn’t be  If you’re in the B2B space, you might be hesitant to dive into TikTok for marketing. It’s understandable—TikTok’s reputation as a platform for dance challenges and viral memes doesn’t exactly scream “business.” However, many B2Bs, including giants like Adobe Express, have found TikTok to…

5 Tips For Sharing Your Brand Story More Effectively

5 Tips For Sharing Your Brand Story More Effectively

What is your brand story and why is it important? Sharing your brand story aims to create an experience for the customer that builds an emotional connection between them and your brand. It’s a powerful way to foster a relationship on a deeper level, making customers more inclined to take action. In marketing, brand storytelling…