Why is market research important when launching a new product or service?

If you’re thinking about launching a new product or service soon, there are some key steps to go through behind the scenes before you start shouting about it. This post will explore why market research is important when you’re launching a new product or service. Plus, we’ve included some tips for how you can conduct…

5 things to do this week to improve your marketing mindset

We’ve now established that business owners often have a negative marketing mindset, which significantly impacts their ability to consistently show up to market their businesses. And obviously, this has a direct impact on the bottom line! Because if you’re not out there and visible to your target audience, selling anything becomes extremely difficult.  But even…

Common marketing blocks

When it comes to your mindset around marketing your business, I couldn’t cover this area without identifying some of the main marketing blocks I see business owners experience. It’s really common to have certain blocks around getting visible and consistently putting your content out there.  Here are some of the most common marketing blocks I’ve…

Why understanding your clients is more important than obsessing over data

Since digital marketing has exploded for businesses everywhere, it seems like everyone has become obsessed with data and tracking metrics. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love looking at the data and interpreting it to find trends and make sure everything’s on track to meet marketing objectives. But maybe it’s time to refocus on the customer.