If you’re looking for a way to transform your business, there are different options for how you can go about this. Sometimes you might want to focus on the people who work in your business. Or maybe the processes you use to make things more efficient. In this post, we’re going to share how creating an effective marketing strategy can transform your business.
We regularly produce marketing strategies and plans for small businesses who know they need to get to grips with their marketing. Often they aren’t happy with what they’re doing at the moment. Which ends up with them feeling stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated every time they have to do anything marketing -related.
One of our clients was going through this process recently and we were talking about their ideal customer personas. We had a great discussion going over who they really want to work with vs who they think they could help.
At the end of the call, they said that going through the marketing strategy process is ‘transformational’ for them and their business.
Which obviously made us feel super warm and fuzzy!
But because we’re always strategic in our approach, we inevitably wanted to reflect on how a consultative approach to creating an effective marketing strategy is so eye-opening for any business.

Here are the main 3 reasons:
The process of creating a marketing strategy challenges assumptions.
We all do it – make assumptions about the market we’re serving based on what we’ve done before. But times change, the market changes, people change. So when we go through the strategy process with any client, we challenge these assumptions as an objective outsider. Which then leads us to the real answer we need to market a business more effectively.
Taking time to focus on a marketing strategy gives you space.
Space to think and reflect on where your business is and the marketing you’ve done so far to get there. Often we find that clients already have a good idea of what works and what doesn’t. For us, it’s simply a case of taking the time to draw those answers out and come up with a plan to refine the marketing approach.
A marketing strategy brings clarity by identifying contradictions.
In this particular client discussion, together we discovered that their whole website is tailored to a target audience that isn’t necessarily their ideal client! We often hear our clients talk about their businesses in a certain way to us and we can then see that this isn’t how they articulate their business through marketing.
And the truth is, no matter how much you might read those points and think ‘oh yes, I should do that in my business’ and we know from years of experience that it’s almost impossible to do it yourself. So we’d always recommend finding someone external who can help you look at your marketing more objectively to transform your business.
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